Saturday 23 May 2020

Becoming Authors : Grammar 23- 1st June .

Dear students ,

The last section of this project is the grammar part . I enclose here the activities you have to do from the blog , from unit 5  + the  assignment  that you have in the Teams folder .

From Unit 5 in the blog :

1) Read the list of verbs H. Irregular verbs list 1ESO .. Look at the list to do the exercises  with irregular verbs .
Remember that regular verbs end in - ED .

2) Do the following exercises to practice the Simple Past :I,J,K,L,M T.1, T.2,T.3 and T.4.

You only have to copy the answers in blue and in red the mistakes . Then , SEND  it as pdf in the corresponding folder in Teams

Date to be due at TEAMS : 1st June

Good luck

Friday 22 May 2020


Dear students ,
For the last two weeks we have been working with the project " Becoming Authors " divided into  3 different phases :
Introduction -due date  the 18th May
Reading & Writing : due date  the 25th May
Grammar - due  date the 1st June

As we have to start the " I´m a chef " project , these activities must be sent in the corresponding dates above mentioned.

Let´s do it !