Friday, 27 November 2015

English Week and Tea Party

The second week on November , our school celebrated The English Week. This week was all about English culture, in some lessons teachers from other subjects introduced some English words in their lessons, such as "Good morning " , " cells ", " addition "... The hall ofthe school wa sdecorated with some English flags in the front façade of the school there two big English flags  hanging from the upper floors windows.
This was the first time that we celebrated this at school , and we really liked it . In the English class , we organised  a " Tea Party". The teacher gave us some recipes to make traditional English cookies at home , and then we brought them at school and we had the Traditional English Tea.
To some of us, this was such an amazing experience as we have neved drunk tea before. We had tea alone or with milk wasn´t that bad .
We want to repeat the experience again .. We enjoyed it so much !!!

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