Tuesday, 17 December 2019


Students that want to do optional activities for Xmas to revise the  studied   contents , can do the exercises from units 1 & 2.

You can do the exercises  in your notebook  writing down the unit , the number  of the exercise and the result . If you have mistakes you have to write them down. 

If you decide to do these activities, this is going to count as Extra  Activities in your  attitude mark.
Last day to hand in the activities to your teacher  27th of January. 


Instructions to prepare the 1st Term Retrieval Exam 

Students that have not passed English have to do the exercises from Units 1& 2 in the blog . These exercises must be handed in to the teacher the following days :
Unit 1  before January the 17th.
Unit 2 before  January the 29th
Yoy can copy the answers in your notebook  or simply the mistakes but you must write the Unit , the number of the exercise and the results as in the following example :

Unit 1    Exercise A)  O mistakes   
              Exercise 2 )  3 mistakes   : is, aren´t , am .

These exercises are compulsory  to hand in  before the 29th  January , to prepare and to do the test that we are going to do in class in the middle of the term.

Friday, 29 March 2019

2nd Term Retrieval Activities


Students that have not passed the 2nd Term  have to do the following activities :

1) Do all the activities  under the heading  Exercises to Prepare the 2nd Term Retrieval Test  from this blog .

2) 5 Writings :
     All these writings must have 70-90 words  each  one .
     2.1)  A personal description .
     2.2 ) My daily Routines.
     2.3)  Easter holiday  activities . This writing must start like " This Easter I am doing …." using the
             Present Continuous and the Present Simple.
     2.3) Write the daily routine of someone in your family .
     2.4)  An interview to a person ( a member of your family , a friend …) . Yo can use your
             imagination . Remember to use  wh -questions  format .

IMPORTANT :  These activities must be handed in to the teacher between the 23rd and the 25th April.

NOTE :If you have passed the Term and you want to do the activities   in  Exercises to Prepare the 2nd Term Retrieval Test OPTIONALLY , you  will have an extra mark in attitude .