Thursday, 18 May 2023


Since it seems that we are in a new era where we have to watch out  our consumption habits , it´s perhaps the moment to cahnge some of our routines in order to stop the footprint and the waterprint that we leave behind us . 

How can we stop them ? Being green , ecological or whatever you want to call it can be a first step to start changing things . After all , it´s our life that depends on it and it´s probably something that we have never thought of . 

What is our Carbon footprint ?  This is the evidence that we leave in our planet , using too much energy , extra limiting the usage of plastics and processed foods , menas of transport consequences such as planes polluted so much that we should start thinking about other alternatives to them .Unplugging your devices when they are already charged , turning off lights when no needed , and so on . 

Waterprint is the excess that we cause to the planet because of the careless use of water . Using too much water in factories , washing , not turning off the faucet while we are brushing our teeth , having showers instead of bath ... all these make our planet suffer and consequently we pay for it having an important draought in our area . Can we be a little more sensible about this ?