Saturday, 26 December 2015


Those students who have to prepare the 1st Term retrieval Exam have to do all the exercises from Unit 1  and Unit 2 in the blog. The activities must be presented the day of the exam .
To prepare the exam  you have to prepare all the activities from Modules 1 & 2 in the Yellow submarine page  and study the vocabulary mentioned in class from the dossiers 1 & 2.
Good luck !

Friday, 4 December 2015


This is a group projects about traditional English celebration. Each member of the group  must prepare one celebration . Once you have prepare it , you must put all the information in the same power point presentation .
Ecah member must prepare one part for the oral exposition but all members must know about all parts. The teacher can ask you  questions about your part or the other members parts.
The presentation must be mostly visual, no words but images. One image per person .
Suggested topics :
Christmas, Boxing Day , New Year´s Eve , Twelft Night, Pancake Day, St Patrick´s Day, St Valentines Day , Easter ....

Useful links :


Friday, 27 November 2015

English Week and Tea Party

The second week on November , our school celebrated The English Week. This week was all about English culture, in some lessons teachers from other subjects introduced some English words in their lessons, such as "Good morning " , " cells ", " addition "... The hall ofthe school wa sdecorated with some English flags in the front façade of the school there two big English flags  hanging from the upper floors windows.
This was the first time that we celebrated this at school , and we really liked it . In the English class , we organised  a " Tea Party". The teacher gave us some recipes to make traditional English cookies at home , and then we brought them at school and we had the Traditional English Tea.
To some of us, this was such an amazing experience as we have neved drunk tea before. We had tea alone or with milk wasn´t that bad .
We want to repeat the experience again .. We enjoyed it so much !!!

Monday, 9 November 2015

The Traditional English Tea

The Afternoon Tea Menu

There are no set rules about the content of a traditional Afternoon Tea menu, but it usually consists of sandwiches and a variety of sweet items. A typical menu might read: 

Traditional Afternoon Tea Menu
A selection of freshly prepared finger sandwiches
Warm scones with clotted cream and preserves
A variety of home made cakes and pastries
Your choice from a range of teas

What types of sandwiches are served with Afternoon Tea?
The classic selection of sandwiches served with Afternoon Tea includes:
  • cucumber;
  • egg mayonnaise with cress;
  • smoked salmon with cream cheese;
  • Coronation chicken;
  • Ham and mustard.
What is a Cream Tea?
A 'Cream Tea' is generally scones, clotted cream and preserve served with a pot of tea. 

Traditional English Cookies

Dear students here youi have some links to make traditional English cookies. Good luck !!!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Teenies is born !!!!

Do you know that our magazine is born ? Teenies    is a new magazine  for 1st ESO. This is the magazine where we will post the most important news about our level and lives. Teacher and students are going to start publishing from now on .
Let´s start.....

Friday, 12 June 2015



Students who have to do the Retrieval Test  must reinforce the contents studied in this course revising the dossiers and practising with the activities from the Yellow Submarine  modules and  the activities from  Isabel´s Blogsite .


Students who want to improve their mark must do an oral exposition test .  Follow the following intructions :

- Tell you teacher that you are going to do the test, send her an email telling her about it.
- You must prepare a power point talking about the following topics:
   1) Talk about your family tree , giving details about your family and describing them.
   2)  Talk  about your grandfather or grandmother , telling about his/ her life .
   3)  Talk about your past holidays , giving full details about it .
   4) Talk about  a member of youir family daily routines .

- You must prepare all the topics and include them in the same power point . The teacher can ask your about any of them .

- The oral exposition will consists on :

  1) Defending one or two of the expositions you have prepared.
  2) Answer questions the teachers asks you . The questions can be about the project or they can also
      be general questions about  topics we studied during the course.

REMEMBER that in oral expositions you cannot read. You must show that you have prepared well the exposition .

AVALUATION : To avaluate the oral exposition we will consider grammar structures, vocabulary, pronuntiation, intonation, command of English , preparation, presentation , uadience management   and originality .

ORAL EXPOSITIONS  :  Thursday  18th  from 11.00 a,m  at the Lab .


Friday, 17 April 2015



In groups (the groups I told you in class), you have to write the recipe of a dish that you like. Follow the model of the omelette that we did in class (page 7 of the dossier). You also have some instructions to help you in Session 5 of the dossier (pages 11-12).

The people that were not in class because of Convivències also have to write a recipe, but choose a different dish.

Remember that you can write it in the format you like (Word, Power Point, applications like Padlet, etc.).

You can look for inspiration in these blogs: i am a food blog, 5 second rule, local milk, pen and palate.

WHERE? You have to send it by e-mail to this address:
WHEN? Limit: Sunday 19th April at 23:59. People who send it later will only have the opportunity to get a 5 (as maximum).


In this pdf you can find the criteria I will use to mark your recipe, as I showed you in class.

Remember that the recipe counts 30% of the mark of this Unit (20% is attitude, and 50% is the video). Don’t worry about the video; we will talk about it in class.

I hope that you learn and have fun with the recipes and the cooking!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Extra Activities

Those students that want to reinforce this subject can do the proposed exercises in the  section " Exercises to prepared 2nd Term Retrieval Test " . That will help you practise with the studied contents  and prepare for the next term.
Good luck !

Thursday, 26 March 2015


Students who have failed  the  2nd Term must revise the contents we have studied . Here is a liste of them :
Present Simple. use, negatives  and interrogatives. Present Continuous : use, negatives and interrogatives. Contrast between Present Simple and Continuous. Wh - questions and partcicles in Present Simple and Continuous.
Revise the contents from Modules 3 and  4 too.
To practice you can do the exercises from the blog , they will help you pass the test ,

Good luck